The Mid-Year(ish) Freak Out Tag


I’ve only read 19 books so far this year so some topics I am going to struggle a bit on, bear with me…

Anyway, here it is ENJOY!😌


1.Best Book You’ve Read So Far 2017?


Probably The Jewel because when it ended on that horribly amazing cliff hanger I was totally speechless.

2.Best Sequel Of 2017 So Far?


I know, I know your probably going to want attack me through the screen (or worse, be expelled (no wrong thing), unfollow me (I know, it’s an awful thing😮)), I hadn’t read The Hunger Games untill this year! But I loved both Catching Fire and Mokingjay very much.

3.New Release You Haven’t Read Yet But You Want To?


Well, there’s quite a lot that I haven’t read yet but my BIGGEST want to read is The Hate You Give- I know that’s really bad and what’s worse is the fact that both my Mother and my Grandpa have read it and not me.😶

4.Most Anticipated Release Of The 2nd Half Of 2017?

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There are two answers to this question from me, one being the book everone is talking about (they both die in the end) and You Bring The Distant Near which sounds really interesting but not as well known.

5.Biggest Disappointment?


I wasn’t really expecting much from The Ruby In The Smoke as the overall storyline seemed bland and didn’t appeal much to me. It turned out not being a good read for me at all anyway.

6.Biggest Suprise?

Both The Dragonfly Pool and Here I Stand were picked up with mixed feelings (The Dragonfly Pool was just a 35p buy so if it didn’t like it (which I suspected), no money wasted), but they both turned out really well!

7. Favourite New Author (debut of new to you)

I’m sorry I can’t be bothered to list them all.

8.Newest Fictional Crush?

Gail from The Hunger Games and Ash from The Jewel #Team Gail😙

9. Newest favourite character?

Sophie from The Sinclairs Mysteries and Sammie from The Memory Book.

10. Book That Made You Cry?


I don’t actually cry at books 🙊🙊🙊but BUT I almost cried at 13 Reasons Why.

11. Book That Made You Happy?

The Dragonfly Pool was a generally happy book and tackled quite a few thought-provoking subjects.

12.Favourite Book-To-Movie Adaptation You’ve Seen This Year?

Well, I haven’t really watched any adaptations this year (besides Harry Potter, but I’d seen it millions of times before), but I have watched The Hunger Games which was very, very bad.😐

13. Favourite Book Reveiw You’ve Written This Year?

I have no idea….

14. Most Beautiful Book Cover You’ve Bought This Year?


Why did they have to throw THIS question at me! I suppose Matched should be listed as well Lady Midnight- I just have to many books to chose from!

last question😅

15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year?

To much. I definatly should read Divergent, The Book Thief and Lord Of Shadows.

It’s finally done!

I don’t how long it took you to answer these questions but it took me 2 days! Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this blog and I’m sorry for the lack of pictures- everthing always disappears or it just messes up.

Thank for reading,


Here’s a nice little quote for you all:




Blogging about boarding schools and books

6 thoughts on “The Mid-Year(ish) Freak Out Tag

  1. Lovely answers to this tag! 🙂 I haven’t read The Hate U Give yet either, but I can’t wait to get to it 🙂 And better late than never to read The Hunger Games series! I’m happy you enjoyed both the sequels! 😀


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